Hatching Pigeon
Pigeon was hatched on a trip to Latin America, when the author found he spent more time looking into his phrase book than at the countries he had come to see. And when he did have the courage to try and communicate, his phrase book pronunciation was met with smiles and nods of complete incomprehension.
   There had to be a better way. Over a few drinks in a Buenos Aires bar with some Spanish speaking friends, a solution emerged - Pigeon - simple and concise enough to fit on the back of a postcard.
  In practice Pigeon worked beautifully, and the author was able to travel alone - and almost get by - in Argentina, Uruguay, parts of Brazil and Paraguay.
  Back in England with trips to Italy and France planned, nothing similar could be found in the book shops. So on a borrowed shoestring, Pigeon Publications took flight. Working with linguists and translators Pigeon Publications has distilled some of the world’s most beautiful and eloquent languages down to just three pages.
  The serious traveller will always need a traditional phrase book for dealing with the more knotty problems they might encounter, like buying a house or defending themselves in court. But for everyday communication if you travel with a Pigeon you’ll be able to give a friendly chirp and make yourself understood quickly and with the minimum of effort.”

The original Pigeon card. Born in a Buenos Aires bar, it reveals the author’s (and most other travellers’) priorities, and above left, the author outside a bar after ordering a rare steak
A new way of communicating in a foreign language on the wing
The Sunday Telegraph
travellers never
leave their
hotel without
a Pigeon”